After a very quick, blessed and fruitful 3 weeks in South Africa, I arrived back in Dar es Salaam a week ago!
It was such a blessing to see my little nephew when he was only 10 days old! Now, he is already one month and growing fast... Next time I see him, he will at least be 1 year, but thanks to technology I will be able to 'see' him from a distance. I take my hat off to the missionaries of yesteryear who left family and friends for years without any contact.
The actual reason I went down to SA was to do my MAF International Africa conversion course; my first base and route check. I was also able to incorporate it with my SA pilot's license renewals, but it made for a very busy week and a half in Johannesburg! Thanks to some excellent MAF instruction, all went well and I returned last week deemed to be proficient to fly for MAFI!
All that is now needed is to get my Tanzanian license, fly with the MAF pilots here to get to know the areas and place I will fly to. Yesterday I logged my first flight in a Tanzanian registered MAF plane when I did my type conversion with our training captain. Today I wrote my type conversion exam and by next week I should be in possession of my Tanzanian pilot's license! Tomorrow I head back to Dodoma, to spend some time in the engineering department while I wait to get on some flights.
If you look at the fuel gauge on the blog, you notice that I have reached 88% of my support goal! I thank God for each one of you who have become involved, whether through prayer, encouragement or contributions, each bit is vital as we, the Body, reach out to the world in need.
That's the news in a nutshell. Once again, thanks for all your support and prayers, without it none of this would ever be possible.
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