31 December 2010

New Year ahead

Blessings for 2011, I believe it's going to be a great year: Lots of changes and challenges but God will be at every turn to guide the way! 

I am looking forward to taking up this journey with your support and knowing that God is in control.

May He bless you and keep you throughout 2011.

Thank you for your support.

01 December 2010


It is with great pleasure that I share with you that I have been accepted into service as a missionary pilot with Missionary Aviation Fellowship.

Please browse around to learn more about MAF and my calling as a missionary pilot. I cannot undertake this journey without God's blessing and faithful partnerships. Read more about becoming a partner with this ministry and if you would like to receive news updates or feel called to get involved in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me for more information wings4christ@gmail.com

Your brother in Christ,
Kirstein Combrink