31 August 2013

It has been way too long!

It has been way too long! So, instead of trying to explain what I have been up to I will just come out with my main excuse: I GOT ENGAGED!

Although that should cover it, I feel that I do need to explain myself in a little more detail, because it is not all that happened since my last post in June. First of all, shortly after that post about Babu Pauli who received the surgery he needed after the medevac, I received news that he made it back to his home village and was recovering well.

I spent June and July on my first home assignment in South Africa. It was a great time of catching up with family and friends. I also had some opportunities at churches and groups to share in person what I have been up to. My 15 month old nephew was an absolute treat and has grown quite a bit since I last saw him at 7 days old! Technology these days make it possible to stay in touch with loved ones, but it pales in comparison to spending time with them. I had a wonderful time relaxing and reconnecting with the people I miss when I am away.

A bonus during my trip was the fact that I was able to join the 9th annual youth outreach with my home church to the Karoo town of Merweville. Nine years down the line and I can see how God has worked in many lives, including my own as the experience played a big part in my calling as a full time missionary.

Yes! I am engaged, some of it happened quite quickly but most of it has been developing over some time. Amelia has been living and working as a teacher in Arusha for the past 4 years. We first met through a colleague and mutual friend. We both attend Arusha Community Church, where Amelia has also been involved with the music ministry. When I started spending more time in Arusha during the second half of last year we became friends as part of a group of younger adults.

God's timing worked out perfectly as our friendship turned into a relationship earlier this year. Only after she was accepted as a 2014 El Sistema Fellow at the New England Conservatory in Boston, USA. Unfortunately this means that she will be spending most of the next 9 months away. However, it as an amazing opportunity to learn from the music programme that has impacted thousands of youth in Venezuela and around the world.

Things worked out well that she was able to join me for just over 2 weeks during my home assignment in Cape Town. I saw this as a great opportunity to show of my beautiful home town, ask the BIG question and then show off my beautiful fiancee to family and friends!

Now we are at the start of the first four months apart until Amelia has a month break in December when she will be able to visit Arusha. Thankfully we will both be quite busy, which always help time to go by faster, or at least seem to...

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